Selected Posts 2 (Vegetarian must read)
First of all, I want you to imagine this scenario. You are Lim Ah Kaio.You live in a peacefull and harmony village which located in ...Pahang.Due to the village's unstrategic location, you were not well contact to the outside world, no telecomunication,no TV electric and water supply from the Goverment. there's lots of family with diverse etnics living there. You are the 3rd in the family, have a dad , mom, and fou brother and sister. You live harmonilly with your neighbours. Everyday you play with them, earn living with them together. Thus, there's a mutual brotherhood relationship between you and them. You love them and they love you. Now you have a girlfriend- Samantha. But in this village, you dont practice marriage.As soon as you confirmed you wanted to stay with each other, you were man and wife. Now, you take care of the whole family.
one years later, Your wife Samantha gaved birth to a twin. you named them John Lim and Simon Lim. yup, two boys. while you go out, your wife Samantha will take care of them. You live harmony and peacefully, no economics problem because you were good in earning living, no politics problem .you thank god for giving you such a good life.
But suddenly as you watched"war of the world" a type of Alien suddenly attacked your village.they are extraordinary huge, have long hand, holding moden weapon which you haven seen before.they caught your wife, and put your son and other neighbours into their spaceship. You were manage to escape , but you were so worried for your family, and your neighbour as well. You try to seek help. So you ran out from your village, try to ask help from any person who pass by. At last , you manage to reach Kuantan 3 days later. But what shocked you is, Kuantan is already fully occupied by the aliens! aliens are every where, you can see some of them even carry the prizoner by spaceship to somewhere, which they purposely build to genecide the public.The prizoner screaming for help, crying, begging from mercy, but the Alien doesnt know your languegue, they speaks in a higher civilsed formed. You follewd the spaeship without detect by the alien, then the ship stop in front of a huge building, yup, made by them. They transfer the prizoner, -old, young man women, into that building, then the door shutted up. 5 minutes later, you heard scream, beeging for mercy and cry from the house, Out of fear, you quickly run away
You asked yourself, why this happen to me?and you about to cry.NO police, military fighthing for you, no goverment or Prime minister now.You are totally on your own. Suddenly ,out of sight, you were spotted by an alien. It fly towards you. you run , run and run, but they are faster, you intent to hide inside the jungle but, they managed to catch you because they are faster and larger than you. you were sent to the same spaceship which they use to transfer the prizoner.But they are not sending you to the concentration camp, you were sent to another super spaceship. They sent you inside a room. Oh my god, they room was fully equipped with torturing stuff, such as boilling water ,electronic torturing equipment, and a lot of equipment , which you dint know their usage well, but seemed quite harmfull. But suprisely, you saw your wife Samantha therealso.
Now both you and your wife are in the same prizon. You hold your wife's hand tight say you gonna protect her at all cost. Just as soon as you said, one of the alien tooked your wife out, due to the size of the alien and their speed, you couldnt manage to hold you wife's hand , she was taken away brutally infront of you. They stripped off your wife's clothes until she's completely naked thenhang your wife upside down above the boiling water, she screamed and beg for mercy, but the alien does not even bother.Then the alien put your wife slowly into the boiling water , and she screamed hardly, a matters of minutes, you lost your precious wife.
Now its your turn, the alien open the prizon again and caught you. They did not hang you upside down like your wife, but put you on a huge piece of iron, strip you naked also, then tied up your leg and hand. You screamed , beg for help but it was useless. Now, they put you into a dark dungeon. and shut off the door. you are alone. Suddenly, you saw a light, from the left of your body, the above, then everywhere. but soon, you felt very hot,very hot! yes the alien is gonna to burn you alive! you were getting hotter, and your skin is burning, you scream out of pain, but no one came to resque. AHHHH AHHHHHHHHH,very pain, as the dungeon getting hotter and hotter. Then, you were in a trmandoes pain, you getting more pain. now..out of breath, you ended your life in the Dungeon......................................AS A CHICKEN!
Ladies and Gentlemen, the cast Lim AH Kiao (Cock) Samantha(Ham) John Lim & Simon Lim (Chick) The Alien (Human Being),The concentration camp to genecide(kill) the public-Backyard of KFC.
I am Roy now, as a delegate for non-human class ie animal, I am speaking behalf of all awaiting-slaughther-living-being . There's more than a million chicken was slaughtger A DAY, just to entertain human's luxuries in food. Chicken knows pain, and we doesnt want pain. If we put a heavy sentence to a human who commited murder, why dont apply for those who commited slauther for a poor innocent living creature like Poor little chichken?
Buddist, we was learn to be mercy. just like buddha, we dont kiiled even an ant .animals have thier lives too, as karma, you may be reborn as one of those. Do you want to be eaten like Lim Ah Kiao?
Christian, Genesis, when god created this world ,He created animals and asked Adam to look after them, Adam have the right to eat FRUITS OF THE TREE"S only. But later on, human became sinfull, only we ignore the order. If we eat meat anymore, symbolised that we are recognising the sin which we commited Muslim-same llike christian Hindus. Just think that why did a High Priest in hindus -the Brahmin are compulsary vegertarian? Hense I hereby urge all of you, please mercy to ever animal, chicken, fish, duck, crab, sotong, cow, goat,Dont eat them,! thats an act of babarianism, and canibalism. Think that someday, if another spieces in the world become more intelligent than human (or Alien), Does that symbolised that they have the right to eat human also? Do you want to be eaten by them? Do you want to see your dad, your mom, your wife, your precious girlfriend killed one by one in a painfull way by them just to satisfy their luxuries?
If dont, lets pray to god(Whatever religeion) to strengthen our mercyness, mercy to all living being, mercy to chicken.!!!and become a vegetarian now. God bless (Zhee How2007).