OSCE gone! My life starts now:
1) Claim
2) Room reconstruction
3) Great Barrier Reef and Melbourne trips
4) Send the form back
5) GP review and blood test
6) Look for sofa
7) Financial reorganisation
8) Study plan
9) Beloved brothers and mum's future
10) Buy toner
11) Gym membership
12) Table tennis, tennis and basketball training
13) Swimming
14) Unlock phone
15) Starts reading books from KL
16) Meditation and chanting
17) Contact sifu, JY
18) Contact aunts, uncles
19) Find KC for Maybank
20) Pay SJ, ZZ, G
21) Enjoy One Piece again
22) Catch up Bleach and Naruto maybe
23) Get back to healthy eating lifestyle
24) Get back my pharm book from Michelle
25) Find Peony and take back my books
26) House - settle bills, hire a treasurer
27) I want a TV, maybe not
28) Room cleaning
29) KFP visit, case report and research opportunity
30) Decide where to go
31) Decide research - Sydney? 4th year? ASAP
32) Research on air tickets
33) Contact agent for key
34) Ben Hunn's lunch or dinner
35) Give back journal to Sinha
36) On call
37) Open account for interactive broker
38) Plants
39) Reply to all facebook and MSN
40) Buy presents
41) CV and conference?
42) Get back all contacts
43) A talk with Mr F?
44) Rock my guitar + attend the lesson
45) Download all songs
46) Change of address and phone
47) Car park light installation
48) Sew clothes
49) Jay's concert?
50) Become a teacher end of the year?
51) Upload photos
52) Blogs changes
53) Help G
54) Close one bank, update and invest
lol, I am racing with time!