Wednesday, April 22, 2009


真要命,三点半了还不能睡,怎样才能把 Adrenal medulla 的 阿德里那林 从我的 不乐微笑 拿走? 洁妮思, 亏你还能睡得那么熟 。。。。。。anyway, 我只是一点点气罢了,很早就没事了, 希望你也别生气哦!

刚刚看完了一个 朋友的website, 很感动, 只差眼泪还没掉下来而已。 22 年了, 朋友到处都是,但是,这个特别的朋友的真性情让我好感动,放心,我不会让她失望的。 正所谓:“别人给我一辆 Lomboghini, 我一定给回他两辆 Ferrari" (Narcissism 2009), 哈哈。

不行了,现在必须 hallucinate 说我很累,必须睡觉了。

5 days to go

Ok, what is worth doing is worth doing well, here I come CAM 304, I got nothing to lose since I got no expectation for the mid-sem.


Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Stitch up

Arh ...... like that also can? Speechless .......

Thursday, April 16, 2009


今天将会是我在 Melbourne 的最重要时刻,如果我不成功,那来了等于白来。一早我就会出门, 为了她,我一定做到。解决了这个 task, 就是时候回家了。

p/s: 很快你就会知道事情的真相。

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

11 days

11 days left, neuro to go ........

Only 5%, doesn't really matter to me because I am pretty confident I will cane the finals hopefully if nothing goes wrong with my study plan ........

But, what is worth doing is worth doing well, at least I must try my best for the 5% mid-sem .........

So, MSN out for a while, Skype still on, focus on CAM 304 - 80%

Schedule for today -

1)Confirm Justina, Shi Ting, Ling Sing, Zhi Han, Shea Chun, Noay Hooi, Jing Kai, Jun Hong, Kee Shan, Ryan etc

2)Pay bills

3)Yum Cha

4)Contra due today - Bless me loh

5)Call hotel

6)Buy C, C and L

7)Max Brenner strawberry chocolate

8)Visit Monash Medical Centre maybe

9)Don't forget to buy ticket back

10)Study or fail CAM 304

p/s: Miss J, wanna fail CAM 304 with me?

Aiyo, today is gonna be so unproductive for CAM 304

Spent the whole afternoon shopping in the city yesterday, I am broke. Went to Crown Casino for the buffet dinner, Sante Restaurant is definitely a nice place to dine in. So full! With two ice-creams.............

Anyway, schedule for today:

10 am. Duit
11 am. Lunch with Peony and Gin
Afternoon. Don't know, Justina and Shea Chuean?
Night. Dinner with Kee Shan

Confirm dinner time with Shi Ting
Contact Ling Sing, Zhi Han, Ryan, Rhun Kiet, Jing Kai, Cheng Koon etc
Check back Harvey Bay with Jun Hong. Jye Ying and Wai Hong they all going?
Pass up the forms ASAP
Maybe: Jocelyn at Lygon

p/s: don't know if you still reading my blog, anyway please forgive me, miss J, that's my fault. I owe you two.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Aim of the day

Aim of the day 1: Finish off my endocrine notes

Aim of the day 2: Enjoy

Aim of the day 3: ComSec here I come, profit must back in 2 hours time

Monday, April 13, 2009

Question of the day

When you have appendicitis, why greater omentum tends to wrap around the appendix? What mechanism?

Interesting question, greater omentum runs down as a barrier to prevent inflammation spreading to the parietal peritoneum or abdominal wall, but how? I don't know? Cytokines and adipose tissue? Dunno........

Friday, April 10, 2009


很久以前读过 卡勒德‧胡賽尼 的 "放风筝的孩子" , 也看了 "贫民富翁", 很感动,也反映出我现在的心境。 再多几个小时就要走了,怎么心情是那么的复杂。假期到了,240 个小时, 会想些什么,决定些什么,真的是没有答案的答案吗?Melb 回来后,我欠大家一个交待,他们看穿了我,陪我走完了那条路,回头与否,故事要怎样写下去,看来只有我自己知道。

走吧,傻瓜, now or never。

Happy Easter everyone.

Wednesday, April 08, 2009


很多人都问我这题问题,问我舍得吗,问我会后悔吗,头脑真的很乱。 如果真的要剪断气球上的那条线,那么它再也不会降落了。我会后悔吗?

Sunday, April 05, 2009

4.35 pm

Everyone, landing time 4.35 p.m.



Saturday, April 04, 2009



* 快乐星期天 2009-03-16 14:59














Answers are clear. File closed.

Friday, April 03, 2009

Problem solvings due in 2 weeks time

OSCE gone! My life starts now:

1) Claim
2) Room reconstruction
3) Great Barrier Reef and Melbourne trips
4) Send the form back
5) GP review and blood test
6) Look for sofa
7) Financial reorganisation
8) Study plan
9) Beloved brothers and mum's future
10) Buy toner
11) Gym membership
12) Table tennis, tennis and basketball training
13) Swimming
14) Unlock phone
15) Starts reading books from KL
16) Meditation and chanting
17) Contact sifu, JY
18) Contact aunts, uncles
19) Find KC for Maybank
20) Pay SJ, ZZ, G
21) Enjoy One Piece again
22) Catch up Bleach and Naruto maybe
23) Get back to healthy eating lifestyle
24) Get back my pharm book from Michelle
25) Find Peony and take back my books
26) House - settle bills, hire a treasurer
27) I want a TV, maybe not
28) Room cleaning
29) KFP visit, case report and research opportunity
30) Decide where to go
31) Decide research - Sydney? 4th year? ASAP
32) Research on air tickets
33) Contact agent for key
34) Ben Hunn's lunch or dinner
35) Give back journal to Sinha
36) On call
37) Open account for interactive broker
38) Plants
39) Reply to all facebook and MSN
40) Buy presents
41) CV and conference?
42) Get back all contacts
43) A talk with Mr F?
44) Rock my guitar + attend the lesson
45) Download all songs
46) Change of address and phone
47) Car park light installation
48) Sew clothes
49) Jay's concert?
50) Become a teacher end of the year?
51) Upload photos
52) Blogs changes
53) Help G
54) Close one bank, update and invest

lol, I am racing with time!

Wednesday, April 01, 2009

10.16 am 的心情写照

后天4个 stations, 尽力就好, 就算失败, 不要紧,因为的确我不在最佳状态。一大堆的问题一瞬间向我冲来,但我已一一解决。在我从 mainland 回来后, 以往的 Chin 将跟着回来, 人生的舞台将会随着曲子重新发亮。 活在当下吧!